
Purpose. Rhinovirus infection has in the past been perceived as a disease capable of causing mild respiratory symptoms in most cases in children. Modern clinical and epidemiological studies have shown that rhinovirus infection in adults and children and has a moderate and severe course. The aim of this study was to conduct a clinical and laboratory analysis of cases of rhinovirus infection in adult hospitalized patients and evaluate the etiological role of rinoviruses in the epidemic season of 2017/18.Materials and methods. 1013 case histories of patients admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of SARS were studied. These patients were taken nasopharyngeal swabs were investigated by PCR for the detection of respiratory pathogens. A positive result was obtained with rhinovirus infection of 51 patients.Results. Of the examined patients, 41,6% had influenza, 45,8% had no viruses and 12,6% had other viral infections, of which 40% were due to rhinovirus infection. Among them, young patients prevailed: the median age for men was 31,0 years, for women-27,5 years. The disease occurred in a moderate form – 78,8%, severe course was observed in 5,3% of patients and was accompanied by infectious and toxic shock. Most often the disease occurred with complications acute bronchitis – 22,1%, pneumonia joined in 15,7% of cases.Conclusion. rhinovirus infection ranks first (40%) among non-influenza causes of viral respiratory tract infection in the examined patients. It was registered mainly in young people. In most cases, it proceeded in a moderate form and had a complicated course, including pneumonia.


  • Rhinovirus infection has in the past been perceived as a disease capable of causing mild respiratory symptoms in most cases in children

  • Риновирусная инфекция занимает первое место (40%) среди негриппозных причин вирусного поражения респираторного тракта у обследованных госпитализированных взрослых пациентов

  • 7. Miller, E.K., Linder, J., Kraft, D., Johnson, M., Lu, P., Saville, B.R. et al Hospitalizations and outpatient visits for rhinovirus-associated acute respiratory illness in adults

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Rhinovirus infection has in the past been perceived as a disease capable of causing mild respiratory symptoms in most cases in children. Тяжелое течение этой инфекции с поражением нижних отделов дыхательной системы, отмечалось лишь у детей первых месяцев жизни [1]. Тяжелые легочные и внелегочные осложнения все чаще диагностируются при риновирусной инфекции. РВ-инфекция диагностировалась методом ПЦР промывных вод бронхов у 10% взрослых больных с поражением разных отделов респираторного тракта, причем в 83% случаев определялся тип А, клинически наиболее тяжело протекал тип А21, при котором 2 пациента с тяжелой пневмонией скончались [6].

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