
The aim of this single-blind cross-over study was to compare the performance of three different toothbrush models in the control of dental biofilm and maintaining a healthy gingival condition. Twenty-seven schoolchildren (aged 9-10 years) participated in the study. Three toothbrushes with different bristle arrangements were used: T1 - bristles on the same plane, straight arrangement; T2 - bristles on different planes, straight arrangement; T3 - bristles on different planes, straight and circular arrangement. The participants were then randomly divided into three groups for brushing with one of the three toothbrushes. Each experimental period lasted 15 days each, with three daily brushings and a 7-day washout interval was used between periods. The oral hygiene and gingival bleeding indices were recorded by a single, calibrated examiner blind to the brush used. Bristle wear was measured with a digital calliper at the end of each period. The data were analysed using parametric (anova and Student's t-test) and non-parametric (Cochran's Q and McNemar) tests. The toothbrushes achieved similar results (P>0.05) for the clinical parameters investigated. The three models exhibited a similar degree of bristle wear (P>0.05). The arrangement of the bristles had little influence over the removal of biofilm and gingival conditions. Thus, there is no clinical justification for replacing conventional toothbrushes with more expensive models.

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