
The diagnostic accuracy of liver scintigraphy concerning focal liver diseases was evaluated. Two groups of patients were examined. The first group was examined with a rectilinear scanner and a definite diagnosis was obtained in 176 cases. The predictive diagnostic values of the scintigraphic diagnosis: focal liver lesion present (PV pos.) was 71% (57--83), focal liver lesion not present (PV neg.) was 84% (76--90) (95% confidence limits in brackets). The second group was examined with a gamma camera and a definite diagnosis was obtained in 41 cases. Here the PV pos. was 56% (21--86) and the PV neg. 97% (84--100). A motion correction devise did not improve the interpretation. A survey of the literature indicates that the accuracy despite progressive technological development has not improved during the last 6 or 7 years. Despite its limitations the author finds liver scintigraphy indicated in patients with suspected or proven cancer.

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