
Sarvendriyanam Nayanam Pradhanam Netra (Eye) is a highly specialized sense organ serving the most important vision function. Almost 90% of knowledge is perceived only through the eyes. But in today’s era due to Excessive exposure to dust, smoke, and other pollutants like carbon dioxide emitted from vehicles, factories visual impairments have started. Ayurvedic classical texts have mentioned the eye and its diseases since Vedic and Samhita Kala, thus while explaining Nidana’s[1](Causes) of Netra Roga they said, as Sukshma Nireekshana, Durekshanat, Diva Swapna, and Prasakta Samrodhana, Vega Vinigraha, etc lead to the different types of Netra Roga. In Ayurveda, clinical features related to visual disturbances are generally seen in Dristigata Roga. The anatomical consideration of the Patala and symptoms of the vitiated Dosha situated in these Patala reveals that the word Timira, described as an ocular pathology in Ayurveda, is nothing but the error of refraction. The part of clinical features of Timira (Prathama Patalagata Timira) can be correlated to simple myopia. Honey is good for the eyes and hence considered under Chakshushya Dravya’s[2], and eliminates vitiated Kapha and Pitta Dosha. Honey has a long history of Ayurvedic use for various eye ailments. Administration of Madhu in the eyes improves vision or eyesight.

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