
A study is described of the clinical and pathological findings in 20 specific pathogen free cats infected when 1 year old with feline immunodeficiency virus and monitored over 12 months. Cats were divided into two groups (A and B). The clinical and clinicopathological features were studied in Group A. In Group B, at 1, 2, 4, 9 and 12 months post infection two cats were necropsied. Clinically all cats developed generalised lymphadenopathy, six cats were neutropenic and five cats lymphopenic. Three cats became febrile with conjunctivitis and anterior uveitis and one of these cats ultimately developed jaundice. Postmortem examinations confirmed a generalised lymphadenopathy involving peripheral and visceral lymph nodes with concurrent stimulation of splenic white matter and mucosal lymphoid tissue of the digestive tract and conjunctiva. Within the lymph nodes there was a reactive follicular hyperplasia accompanied by a paracortical hyperplasia with an increased paracortical vascularity. Unusual features were the presence of lymphoid follicles in the bone marrow, thymus and parathyroid tissue. In addition, aggregates of lymphoid cells were found within salivary glands, kidneys, sclera and choroid of the eye. One cat developed a lymphosarcoma affecting the liver and kidneys at 36 weeks post infection. The cat with jaundice had a cholangitis with marked biliary epithelial hyperplasia.

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