
Pneumonia and pneumoenteritis are the major problems affect health and performance of calves and induce many losses even with treatment. Thirty calves were subjected to study; fifteen calves (group 1) showed fever, cough, bilateral mucopurulent nasal discharges with abnormal lung sound on auscultation. The remained fifteen calves were apparently clinically healthy and kept as control group (group 2). Clinical observation had been done and complete blood picture, oxidant/antioxidant profile and serum sodium, potassium and chloride were evaluated. Results of hematological analysis of group 1 showed a significant reduction in the RBCs count, Hb content, PCV and MCV indicating microcytic hypochromic anemia associated with a non-significant increase in the MCH and significant increase in both of MCHC and WBCs indicating leukocytosis. Results of oxidant/antioxidant profile of group 1 showed a significant reduction in the activity of CAT, SOD, GSH, GSH-Px and TAC values associated with a significant increase in the MDA level. While levels of serum electrolytes of group 1 showed a significant reduction in Na and Cl with a significant increase in K.

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