
The aim is to study the clinical and medical history, and hormonal characteristics in women with androgenetic alopecia.Since 2007, we observed 12 patients with androgenetic alopecia in age from 20 to 45 years, which the diagnosis was based on medical history and trihoscopy data. The average age of women was 25,3±3,27. On examination, women complained of increased hair loss, changes in their structure, which is more pronounced thinning. Analysis of anamnesis data revealed that most part of women‐66.7% of the 12 linked the onset of the disease with the onset of puberty, 16.7% of pregnancy and childbirth, 2 with nothing connected. As a result of dermatological examination of the predominant number of patients‐57.3% only androgenic alopecia was diagnosed, and in 41.7%, combined with other skin symptoms of androgens. So, for a combined androgenic alopecia seborrhea was observed in 60% patients, and the combination of alopecia with acne‐in 40%. In the study of the menstrual cycle character it was revealed disruption of the menstrual cycle in 33.3% patients, of whom 3‐proceeds as oligomenorrhea, and at 1‐was found infertility.It is established that the finding in this category of the patients other symptoms of hyperandrogenism of skin and gynecological system causes the need for further investigation of of steroid hormones concentration in the blood serum.

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