
Currently, one of the most important problems facing oil and gas companies is the low degree of extraction of hydrocarbon raw materials from the bowels. The main reasons for low well production in drilling operations are possible complications. The article investigates the calendar time of well construction, determines the proportion of time spent directly on the destruction of rocks spent on tripping operations, auxiliary work, repair work, organizational downtime. As a result of these data, the need for work to prevent and eliminate complications of various nature was revealed. A significant share of the funds spent is allocated to the production of drilling operations, the cost of which is determined by organizational, technical, technological, investment, and other factors. At the same time, according to the existing statistics (experience of drilling operations of Azneft SOCAR) in the calendar time of construction of one well of medium depth, the share attributable directly to the destruction of rocks is approximately 20.64%. The rest of the time is spent on round-trip operations, auxiliary work, repair work and organizational downtime. Therefore, the main task of drilling is to increase the share attributable directly to the destruction of rocks and reduce the NPV (not production time) in the general calendar balance from the start of drilling operations to delivery to ex- exploitation after mastering. One of the complications that reduce the efficiency of putting wells successfully drilled to the design depth of wells for operation, according to the results of their development, is pollution near the well space during its construction. The preservation of the natural permeability of productive formations in the technological processes of well construction, from the initial opening to its overhaul, is still an urgent problem, despite the urgent need to solve this problem, since this well productivity is directly related. A change in the filtration characteristics of a productive formation during the construction, operation or repair of a well occurs within the area of the formation adjacent to the wellbore - the bottomhole formation zone (BFZ). It is known that the decrease in the filtration properties of the BFZ occurs due to the introduction of process fluids and mechanical impurities into the pore space of the filtrate during drilling, cementing, opening the formation by perforation. In this regard, the purpose of the applied and developed technologies is to reduce or eliminate the negative impact of the main factors on the reservoir properties of productive formations and preserve the potential productivity of wells. Keywords: well complication, tripping operations, calendar time, filtration characteristic, specific flow rate.

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