
We completely classify diffeomorphism covariant local nets of von Neumann algebras on the circle with central charge c less than 1. The irreducible ones are in bijective correspondence with the pairs of A-D 2n -E 6,8 Dynkin diagrams such that the difference of their Coxeter numbers is equal to 1. We first identify the nets generated by irreducible representations of the Virasoro algebra for c < 1 with certain coset nets. Then, by using the classification of modular invariants for the minimal models by Cappelli-Itzykson-Zuber and the method of α-induction in subfactor theory, we classify all local irreducible extensions of the Virasoro nets for c < 1 and infer our main classification result. As an application, we identify in our classification list certain concrete coset nets studied in the literature.

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