
Most of Soil Type in Biak Island, Papua is Coral Limestone. This limestone is used as building material. Limestone mining is one of the income sources for local people. This study tries to map limestone mining sites using multi-sensor remote sensing data fusion and Object-Based Image Analysis (OBIA) classification approach. 1.5 meters resolution SPOT-6 data acquired in 2015 and 2017 used as spectral and geometric parameters in OBIA classification process. Surface deformation points obtained from the PS-InSAR technique on Sentinel-IA SLC SAR data acquired from November 2017 to May 2018 is used as the structural variable for OBIA classification process to determine whether mining site is active or inactive. The overall accuracy of classification result is 84.7% for 2015 SPOT-6 data and 74.9% for 2017 SPOT-6 data.

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