
The two-dimensional antiferromagnetic $S=1/2$ Heisenberg model with random site dilution is studied using quantum Monte Carlo simulations. Ground-state properties of the largest connected cluster on $L\ifmmode\times\else\texttimes\fi{}L$ lattices, with L up to 64, are calculated at the classical percolation threshold. In addition, clusters with a fixed number ${N}_{c}$ of spins on an infinite lattice at the percolation density are studied for ${N}_{c}$ up to 1024. The disorder averaged sublattice magnetization per spin extrapolates to the same nonzero infinite-size value for both types of clusters. Hence, the percolating clusters, which are fractal with dimensionality $d=91/48,$ have antiferromagnetic long-range order. This implies that the order-disorder transition driven by site dilution occurs exactly at the percolation threshold and that the exponents are classical. The same conclusion is reached for the bond-diluted system. The full sublattice magnetization versus site dilution curve is obtained in terms of a decomposition into a classical geometrical factor and a factor containing all the effects of quantum fluctuations. The spin stiffness is shown to obey the same scaling as the conductivity of a random resistor network.

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