
Acne vulgaris is a chronic inflammatory disease of the pilo-sebaceous unit, characterized by papules, pustules and often scarring, mainly on the face, upper trunk and back. Acne vulgaris is a nearly universal skin disorder affecting 79 to 95% of youths. In today's era, stress, increasing pollution, changes in diet, lifestyle changes, hormonal changes and the number of youths suffering from acne vulgaris problem is increasing. In Ayurveda it can be called as Mukhadushika. It is otherwise called as Yuvanpidika (Acne vulgaris). In Sushruta Samhita, Mukhadushika is mentioned under the kshudraroga. Acharya Sushruta has described Mukhadushika as a particularly thorn-like eruption on the face of adolescents. According to Ayurveda, mukhadushika occurs due to vitiation of kapha dosha, vata dosha and raktadushti . In present case study, there is kaphavata dominancy with involvement of raktadosha. Patient was prescribed the Ayurvedic medicines Lodhradi lepa, Mahatiktaka ghritam, Dashamoola kwath churna on OPD basis. From this case study it can be concluded that Ayurvedic formulations are effective in the mukhadushika (Acne vulgaris).

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