
根据近年来国外文献所涉及的藻类分类学研究进展着重解释了蓝藻门的颤藻属和硅藻门的直链硅藻属和针杆藻属的一些浮游种类的学名变更情况同时介绍了国际上最新的蓝藻门颤藻目和硅藻门的分类概况.根据Anagnostidis和Komárek的分类原颤藻属的大部分浮游种类进入了新属[浮游蓝丝藻属](Planktothrix)其他种类则分别属于[湖生蓝丝藻属](Limnothrix)、胶鞘藻属(Phormidium)和现在的颤藻属(Oscillatoria)等多个颤藻目的类别.根据Krammer和Lange-Bertalot的分类原直链硅藻属的浮游种类进入了新属[浮生直链藻属](Aulacoseira),另外的种类归属于Orthoseira、Ellerbeckia和现在的直链硅藻属(Melosira)等硅藻类别中;原针杆藻属的浮游种类并入脆杆藻属(Fragilaria),其他种类进入菱形藻属(Nitzschia)、双尖菱板藻属(Hantzschia)和现在的针杆藻属(Synedra)中.;Based on the recent international publications, this study explained the modification of taxonomic name in three common phytoplankton genera. The new classification systems of Oscillatoriales and Bacillariophyceae were also introduced. According to the taxonomy of Anagnostidi & Komárek (1988), the former cyanobacteria genus Oscillatoria was split up. Most of the planktonic species of this group can now be found in two new genera Planktothrix and Limnothrix. About 70 other species in this group were shifted into the genus Phormidium. According to the taxonomy of Kramme and Lange-Bertalot (1991), all the planktonic species of the former diatom genus Melosira formed a new genus Aulacoseira. Some other species in this group were moved into the genera Orthoseira and Ellerbeckia. Most of the planktonic species of the former diatom genus Synedra were altered back to the genus Fragilaria. Some other species can now be found in the genera Nitzschia and Hantzschia.

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