
Snail fecal content studies were conducted on the citrus tree snail, Drymaeus dormani (Binney). The fecal content consisted primarily of sooty mold and other mycelia, all stages of Phyllocoptruta oleivora (Ashmead), including its spermatophore, Dialeurodes citri Ashmead pupae, and other unidentifiable arthropod body parts. Daily activity coincided with environmental conditions of 100% relative humidity. Seasonal activity was quantified from hygrographic records. The distribution of D. dormani was clumped. Population density was related to cultural practices and environmental factors. Control areas on citrus fruit not affected by the citrus tree snail were covered with microbiota. The ambulatory, nongrazed areas covered by Drymaeus were encrusted with pedal secretions. Drymaeus pressed citrus rust mite spermatophores to the fruit surface and ruptured the sperm sacs, Mycelia were covered and encrusted with mucilage. Grazed areas, 1 cm wide, were void of microbiota and covered with a thin mucilage veil.

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