
Abstract The experimental acaricide UC 55248 at varying rates was compared to Kelthane for efficacy against citrus rust mite (CRM). Treatments were replicated 3 times on 3-tree plots in a randomized block design. Trees were 5 years old on a 24 × 24 ft spacing. Sprays were applied on May 24 and reapplied on Jul 11 using a Lockwood Hardie Air Blast Sprayer, with nozzle adjustment, pressure and speed regulated to apply 250 gal per acre. CRM were counted on the top, median and bottom of each of 25 randomly selected fruit per tree (100/treatment) using a 10X handlens with a l-cm2 grid. At harvest 100 fruit/treatment were evaluated for CRM damage and expressed as percent russet, i.e. fruit with damage severe enough to downgrade it to US #2 fresh or process fruit.

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