
Preface Acknowledgments A Brief Chronology of French Political Regimes 1. Republiccanism and/or Liberalism? Past and Present Republics Ancient and Modern Tocqueville's Return Trip 2. Talk in American and French Accents The Presistence of Talk in America From the Old Talk to the New The General Will and Individual Rights Rights in France: Liberals vs. Republicans Atlantic Crossings 3. The Institutions and Ethos of Freedom Political Institutions, Liberal and Republican Mainstream vs. Backwater Republicanism France: the Search for a Liberal Ethos America: the Search for a Civic Ethos 4. The Uses of Republican Rhetoric in America Down with the Monarchists Down with the Aristocrats Republics and Democracies Corruption and Conspiracy 5. The Strange Career of Liberalism in France From Liberal to Conservative From Solidarist to Conservative From Politique to Mystique 6. Liberal, Illiberal, and Antiliberal Republics The Illiberal Republic The Antiliberal Republic The Liberal Republic Notes Index

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