
During fetal life, haematopoiesis is in a physiologic state of rapid expansion. The activity of the pluripotent haematopoietic stem cell compartment of the bone marrow probably is reflected by the number and proliferative potentiality of CFUc in the blood circulation. We have studied, by the methylcellulose culture technique and without addition of exogenous colony stimulating factor (CSF), blood CFUc in pre-term and full-term newborn infants, in full-term infants 10 to 17 d of age, and in adults. Two groups of pre-term infants were studied: otherwise healthy infants and sick infants, including infants small-for-date and in perinatal distress. In healthy pre-term infants and in full-term infants 147 +/- 25 (SD) and 105 +/- 41 (SD) colonies per 100 000 lymphoid cells were formed, respectively. This is clear evidence for the presence in the blood of both. CFUc and CSF producing cells. By contrast, there was no or only slight spontaneous colony formation by sick pre-term infants, by older infants, and by adult.

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