
Objective: To characterize plasma endothelin 1 (ET-1) and arterial blood pressure (ABP) time courses during the first complete non-rapid eye movement (NREM)–REM sleep cycle in healthy subjects, together with plasma renin activity (PRA) and plasma atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP). Methods: Heart rate (HR), intra-arterial blood pressure and sleep electroencephalographic activity were recorded continuously during the night in eight healthy 20–28-year-old males. Blood was sampled every 10 min during their first complete sleep cycle for simultaneous measurements of plasma ET-1, PRA and ANP. Results: Circulating ET-1 demonstrated significant variations during the sleep cycle ( p<0.0001) that paralleled those of ABP ( p<0.05) and HR ( p<0.005), with a minimum during NREM sleep and a maximum during REM sleep. ET-1 time course opposed that of PRA which increases during NREM sleep and decreases during REM sleep ( p<0.0005). Plasma ANP did not demonstrate systematic variation in relation with the sleep cycle. Conclusion: Circulating ET-1, which parallels variations of ABP, may participate in ABP regulation during sleep in healthy subjects, in association with the renin–angiotensin system.

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