
A study of soluble protein from skeletal muscle of Scomberomorus commersoni was undertaken to elucidate aspects of ciguatoxin (CTX) bioaccumulation in marine teleosts. Skeletal muscle tissue samples from toxic and non-toxic specimens were subjected to fractionation, centrifugation, (NH 4) 2SO 4 precipitation and Sephacryl S-200 chromatography of soluble proteins. Toxicity associated with various fractions was assessed by mouse bioassay, and toxic and non-toxic soluble protein fractions were compared using SDS-PAGE. CTX eluted from Sephacryl S-200 with soluble proteins of apparent mol. wt between 35,500 and 59,500. The toxic eluate contained 1.4% of total sample protein and 15% of total sample toxicity, with an associated 7.2-fold increase in specific activity. SDS-PAGE comparisons show two protein bands in the 37,400 and 40,600 mol. wt range which appeared in toxic soluble protein fractions, but were not detectable in control (non-toxic) samples. These findings are interpreted as being consistent with the association of CTX with at least one monomeric soluble protein of 37,000 to 40,600 mol. wt from toxic S. commersoni skeletal muscle.

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