
Neophobia is an animal's avoidance of novelty. Animals tend to respond to novel objects by increasing their latency to approach the objects, and they eventually habituate after repeated exposure by attenuating this increased approach latency. Interestingly, the physiological stress response does not appear to have a causal link to neophobia, although acute stress can prevent animals from habituating to novel objects, possibly through a permissive effect. Chronic stress can induce an anxiety-like state in animals, while often disrupting the ability to respond to acute stress. We thus hypothesized that chronic stress may increase neophobia and tested this by inducing chronic stress in wild-caught European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris). Four distinct anthropogenic stressors were administered daily for 30 min each in a randomized order for 21 days. We then evaluated whether exposure to chronic stress altered the latency to approach a novel object placed on or near a food dish presented after overnight fasting. Chronically stressed birds and nonstressed controls exhibited similar initial neophobic responses to novel objects and showed similar habituation in response to repeated exposure. However, when birds were exposed to 15 min of restraint before repeated exposure to the same object, habituation was eliminated in control birds (i.e., they continued to respond with neophobia), whereas chronically stressed birds continued to show habituation as measured by attenuated approach latencies. These results demonstrate that an acute stress response (restraint) has a different impact on neophobia depending upon whether the bird is or is not concurrently exposed to chronic stress.

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