
The pearly razorfish (Xyrichtys novacula), commonly known as raor in the Balearic Islands, is a wrasse within the family Labridae. This fish species has particular biological and socio-cultural characteristics making it an ideal model organism in the fields of behavioural ecology, molecular ecology and conservation biology. In this study, we present the first annotated chromosome-level assembly for this species. Sequencing involved a combination of long reads with Oxford Nanopore Technologies, Illumina paired-end short reads (2 × 151 bp), Hi-C and RNA-seq from different tissues. The nuclear genome assembly has a scaffold N50 of 34.33 Mb, a total assembly span of 775.53 Mb and 99.63% of the sequence assembled into 24 superscaffolds, consistent with its known karyotype. Quality metrics revealed a consensus accuracy (QV) of 42.92 and gene completeness > 98%. The genome annotation resulted in 26,690 protein-coding genes and 12,737 non-coding transcripts. The coding regions encoded 39,613 unique protein products, 93% of them with assigned function. Overall, the publication of the X. novacula's reference genome will broaden the scope and impact of genomic research conducted on this iconic and colourful species.

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