
While chromium picoiinate ([Cr(pic) 3 ]) and the other currently marketed chromium(III) supplements are best known by the general public as weight loss and muscle building agents, the supplements have no effect on body composition, At pharmacological levels, they can have beneficial effects on type 2 diabetic subjects (lowering serum glucose, insulin and/or cholesterol levels). The beneficial effects probably arise from each compound serving as a source of Cr and not from any inherent activity from the intact compound. Deleterious effects, of particular concern at pharmacological doses. presently appear unique to [Cr(pic) 3 ] compared to other Cr supplements. while the beneficial effects have been observed with other Cr sources. The poor solubility of [Cr(pic) 3 ] and chromium polynicotinate limits their absorption; the chromic center of chromium chloride (CrCl 3 ) can chelate with large biomolecules and can form hydroxo-bridged oligomers (especially at the basic pH of the intestines), limiting its absorption. However, inorganic chromium salts, such as CrCl 3 , are precursors to synthesizing chromium polynicotinate and (Cr(pic) 3 ] and significantly less expensive (even when differences in absorption are considered) and appear to fail to generate the deleterious effects. These salts and perhaps other organic Cr complexes (if they have substantial value-added benefit without deleterious effects) may have a future in the treatment of symptoms of adult-onset diabetes and related conditions.

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