
Two porphyrin dimers, dihematoporphyrin dieter (DHD) and divinyl dieter (DVD), and two porphyrin trimers, dihematoporphyrin trimer (DHT) and divinyl trimer (DVT), have been analyzed utilizing isocratic ion-pair reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography. Results indicate that the vinyl porphyrins can be distinguished by three peaks appearing near 15, 38, and 42 min. The hematoporphyrin complexes are identified by the appearance of a peak located at 35 min. The DVT and DVD complexes present unique chromatographic markers at 28 and 15 min, respectively. Based on the location of these chromatographic markers, it was found that the Photofrin® drug must contain the DVD and the DHT complexes, but does not contain the DVT complex. The purity of the DVT complex is compromised by the presence of DHD and DHT impurities.

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