
Of the five well-characterized histories, only the slightly lysine-rich histories F2a and F2b are present in sea urchin embryos before the 16-cell stage. At the 16-cell stage, the arginine-rich (F3) and lysine-rich (Fla) histones appear and all the major histones are then present in the same relative proportions until the pluteus stage except for a second lysine-rich protein, Flb, which is first detected at 12 to 16 hours of development and increases to the pluteus stage. From 16 cells to pluteus at 70 hours, all the histones are labeled by a 30-minute incubation with radioactive lysine, with the exception of the lysine-rich histone Fla which does not incorporate label after 20 to 30 hours of development and Fib which is labeled only after 20 to 30 hours. Fla is conserved, however, to the pluteus stage. The total acid-soluble protein content of chromatin remains constant to 22 hours of development. During the period of 22 to 45 hours, there is a slight loss of protein followed by a rapid loss from 45 to 70 hours such that at 70 hours only 20% remains.

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