
The choice of local representatives, opposition systems and local bones of contention in council elections in the country - This article presents the conclusion of a survey of council elections and local decision-making powers. It was carried out in 5 communes » in the South-West and takes into account changes that have taken place between 1971 and 1977. These elections marked an important stage in renewal. In the 5 communes whole council teams have changed, both the mayor and his deputy have been replaced. Whereas one can observe a permanent choice of couneillors based on a selection of those who are « eligible » — in other words, candidates belonging to the « best families », mayors are replaced as if in an atmosphere of crisis. The similarity of «communal» problems raised during election campaigns is in strong contrast with the diversity of the opposition systems that make up municipal elections. Within a certain number of common problems one can nevertheless pick out a step towards diverging tendencies (conservative management/dynamic management, the village/country opposition ; farmers/non-farmers). The diversity of opposition systems is linked to the local social relationships network : in a framework of « peasant democracy » ideological traditions give municipal competitions their specificity (a-political opposition systems; dualistic left/right systems). Far from being a marginal phenomenon in the profound changes that the rural world is undergoing and being an obstacle to change, « communal » democracy in rural areas seems to be finding a new vitality limited by centralization and by state-imposed cut-backs.

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