
Plasma membranes were isolated and separated from thylakoid membranes by discontinuous sucrose density gradient centrifugation of crude membranes prepared by French pressure cell extrusion of lysozyme-treated Anacystis nidulans. Two distinct populations of chlorophyll-free plasma membrane vesicles were obtained exhibiting buoyant densities of 1.087 and 1.100 g/cm3 as opposed to a uniform density of 1.192 g/cm3 for thylakoid membranes. Plasma and thylakoid membranes were characteristically different also with respect to fatty acid and protein composition, cytochrome oxidase activity, and pigment content as analyzed by spectrophotometry, spectrofluorimetry, and high performance liquid chromatography. Apart from carotenoids, chlorophyll a was the only major photosynthetic pigment detected in thylakoid membranes while plasma membranes contained virtually no chlorophyll a but (besides large amounts of carotenoids) protochlorophyllide a and chlorophyllide a as revealed by solvent partition (between n-hexane and acetone or methanol), room and low temperature fluorescence emission and excitation spectra, and analytical separation and identification by high performance liquid chromatography and comparison with authentic standards. The protochlorophyllide in the plasma membrane could be transformed into chlorophyllide in the dark in vitro by incubating the membrane preparation with NADPH; NADP+ effected the reverse transition.

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