
To test the feasibility of using chlorophyll a fluorescence to assess the establishment success of seagrass transplants, photosynthetic characteristics of eelgrass Zostera marina transplants were measured using a Diving-pulsed amplitude modulation fluorometer in Jindong Bay on the south ern coast of Korea. Maximum quantum yield (F v /F m ), photosynthetic efficiency ( α), saturating irradiance (E k ) and maximum electron transport rate (ETR max ) of transplants and reference plants in a nearby transplant site were measured using the fluorometer for 5 months. Additionally, shoot morphology, individual shoot weight and productivity of transplants and reference plants were also monitored. Shoot height, leaf weight and productivity of transplants were significantly reduced during the first two or three months after transplantation compared to those of reference plants, and then increased to the levels of reference plants. Characteris- reference plants. Characteris- plants. Characteris- s. Characteris-Characteris- haracteris- tics of chlorophyll a fluorescence, including F v /F m , α, E k and ETR max of transplants were also significantly reduced in the initial period, but recovered slightly sooner than shoot morphology or leaf productivity. These results indicated that after transplantation, Z. marina transplant photosynthesis recovered faster than shoot morphology, biomass or productivity. Thus, chlorophyll a fluorescence can be used as an indicator for early assessment of the status of eelgrass transplants without destructive sampling.

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