
The chiral recgonition mechanism for a series of phenoxypropionic acid herbicides was investigated in reversed phase liquid chromatography (RPLC) on a teicoplanin stationary phase over a wide range of column temperatures. Thermodynamic constants, of the transfer of an enantiomer from the mobile to the teicoplanin stationary phases were determined. The van't Hoff plots for all solutes had a break at a critical temperature T* showing a variation in the enantiomer retention mechanism due to a change in the conformational state of the teicoplanin, structure. Additionally, enthalpy-entropy compensation confirmed both the change in enantiomer interaction mechanism observed for regions T T* and the independence of this mechanism from (i) herbicide molecular structure,s i.e. the position of the chloro group on the phenol ring and (ii) the carbon absolute configuration. Moreover, the increasing enantioselectivity with increasing methanol fraction in the mobile phase was attributed to restriction of the solute association in the teicoplain, stationary phase, leading to favorable stereoselective interactions. This behavior was used to optimize chromatographic conditions for separation of herbicide enantiomers on teicoplanin.

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