
ABSTRACTChip interleaving (CI) is a unique technique to exploit time diversity in direct sequence spread spectrum (DS/SS)‐based systems operating in fading environments. In order to facilitate design of CI systems in various fading situations, we present a performance analysis for CI DS/SS system over Rician multipath time‐varying fading channels. We derive the analytical bit error rate (BER) expression for CI DS/SS to allow fast and accurate evaluation of BER performance based on the interleaving depth selected, spreading codes employed, and the time correlation function of the channel. We then discuss some ideal cases by using the analytical results to reveal some of the insights presented in the performance analysis. For the purpose of comparison, we also obtain the BER expression for conventional DS/SS system as a special case of CI system with an interleaving depth of one. Using numerical examples, we verify the analytical results with computer simulations and illustrate the BER performance behavior of CI DS/SS system with varying interleaving depth for all possible combinations of two sets of spreading codes of different type and two different time correlation functions of the channel. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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