Introduction Padraic Whyte and Keith O'Sullivan 1. Bank Street and Beyond: New York City in the Here and Now Books of Lucy Sprague Mitchell and Margaret Wise Brown Joseph Stanton 2. 'Form Follows Function': Elizabeth Enright's Melendy Quartet (1941-1951) Julie Anne Stevens 3. Striated Space and Smooth Space: A Deleuzoguttarian Reading of Nick McDonell's Twelve Keith O'Sullivan 4. Navigating Adolescence through the Streets of New York: I'll Get There. It Better Be Worth the Trip Padraic Whyte 5. 'Cities Will Sing': Natural New York Jenny Bavidge 6. A City Cold and Wild: Nature and Social Justice in Slake's Limbo and Ten Mile River Suzanne Marie Hopcroft 7. 'New York Is a Great Place': Urban Mobility in Twentieth-Century Children's Literature Sonya Sawyer Fritz 8. Catalysing Urban Interaction: Individual and Crowded Identities in New York City Jane Suzanne Carroll 9. Self in the City: Young Adult Fiction about New York City after 9/11 Jo Lampert 10. I Am an Island: Caribbean Immigrants to New York City in Children's Literature Karen Sands-O'Connor 11. The View from the Top of the Bus: Curious George in Emigre New York Katie Trumpener 12. New York City: A Dystopian Utopia in Visual Narratives Valerie Coghlan 13. A Right to Music: New York and Mid-Century Liberal Imagination in The Cricket in Times Square Helen Conrad O'Briain 14. Just Kids: Portrait of the Artist as a Young Androgyne in New York Roni Natov
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