
The main objective this research is to examine the relationship between Chief Executive Officer (CEO) characteristics and company performance specifically based on Return on Asset (ROA). Using a sample of 241 Malaysian listed companiesis examined from 2013 to 2015 in various industry listed on Bursa Malaysia. Regression analysis produce significant results for CEO’s education and experience effect ROA. Economic study is important to know in potential economic growth of develop conceptual models of behavior to predict responses to changes in policy and market conditions. CEO experience inthis research prove consistent that longer CEO that stay for a company for a long time may not care about their job and this may lead to poor performance of the company. The result also shows all control variables such as company size, company age and company leverage have significant relationship with the ROA. This study can be expanded using other CEOs characteristics and other performance measure such as Economic Value Added (EVA), Return on Equity (ROE) and Excess in Value.

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