
Addition of thf (tetrahydrofuran) solutions of the salt Na2[C2B10H10Me2] to thf solutions of the compounds [W(CR)Cl(CO)2L2](R = C6H4Me-4 or C6H3Me2-2,6; L = pyridine or 4-methylpyridine), in the presence of [NEt4]Cl, affords the complexes [NEt4][W(CR)(CO)2(η6-C2B10H10Me2)] in good yield. An X-ray diffraction study on the product with R = C6H3Me2-2,6 reveals that the tungsten atom is ligated by two CO groups, the alkylidyne fragment [WC 1.84(1)A], and the carbaborane cage. The open face of the latter is η6-co-ordinated to the tungsten but is decidedly non-planar. The requirement of a six-atom [graphic omitted] ring above a pentagonal belt of five boron atoms results in two faces in the cage distorting from a triangular to an essentially square arrangement. Variable-temperature n.m.r. studies showed that in solution the anions undergo a dynamic exchange process. Treatment of the salts [NEt4][W(CR)(CO)2(η6-C2B10H10Me2)] with the reagents [AuCl(PPh3)] and [Rh(cod)(PPh3)2][PF6](cod = cyclo-octa-1,5-diene) yields the dimetal compounds [WAu(µ-CR)(CO)2(PPh3)(η6-C2B10H10Me2)] and [WRh(µ-CR)(CO)2(PPh3)2(η6-C2B10H10Me2)], respectively. The tungsten–gold species, and the compound [WRh(µ-CC6H4Me-4)(CO)2(PPh3)2(η6-C2B10H10Me2)], are formed as mixtures of two isomers. The reaction between [NEt4][W(CC6H4Me-4)(CO)2(η6-C2B10H10Me2)] and [Fe2(CO)9] affords the trimetallic complex [NEt4][WFe2(µ3-CC6H4Me-4)(µ-σ:σ′:η6-C2B10H8Me2)(CO)8]. In the latter, the carbaborane fragment has slipped over the WFe2 triangle so that two boron atoms in the face of the cage form σ bonds with the iron atoms. The p-tolylmethylidyne group caps the other side of the metal triangle. In contrast, the reaction between the compounds [NEt4][W(CC6H3Me2-2,6)(CO)2(η6-C2B10H10Me2)] and [Fe2(CO)9] in thf gives the novel bimetallic complex [NEt4][WFe(µ-CC6H3Me2-2,6)(CO)4(η6-C2B10H10Me2)], the structure of which has been established by an X-ray diffraction study. In the anion a very short W–Fe bond [2.512(2)A] is bridged by the xylylmethylidyne ligand [µ-C–W 2.02(1), µ-C–Fe 1.82(1)A]. Both metal centres carry two terminally bound CO groups. As expected, the tungsten atom is ligated by the six atoms in the open face of the carbaborane cage, but the latter also bridges the W–Fe linkage via an exopolyhedral B–H⇀Fe three-centre two-electron bond. The n.m.r. data (1H, 13C-{1H}, 11B-{1H}, and 31P-{1H}) for the new compounds are reported, and where appropriate are discussed.

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