
Three synthetic non-ionic detergents, CH3(CH2)15(OCH2CH2)xOH, wherex=7, 8, and 9. ie.Hn 7,Hn 8 andHn 9 have been studied in aqueous solution by light-scattering, viscosity, and vapour pressure techniques. The micellar weights and intrinsic viscosities increased as temperature increased, the rise becoming very rapid above threshold temperatures (T h ) of 22°, 36.3°, and 47.9° for the three detergents respectively. Micellar hydrations determined by the vapour pressure method agreed with those calculated from viscosity intercepts in the region belowT h , where the micelles appeared to be spherical, and hydration was found to increase with temperature. AtT h , micelles of the different detergents contained the same number of monomers. AboveT h the micelles became asymmetric, fitting the oblate ellipsoidal model best. The structure of the micelles was discussed, as was the decrease of second virial coefficient with temperature.

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