
A silica-based chiral monolithic column prepared by sol-gel process and chemical modification of chiral selector was used for enantioseparation of dansyl amino acids and hydroxy acids by capillary electrochromatography (CEC) and mu-high-performance liquid chromatography (mu-HPLC). L-Prolinamide was modified as a chiral selector. The chiral stationary phase (CSP), the chiral complex of Cu(II) with L-prolinamide, provides an anodic electroosmotic flow (EOF) in CEC. The EOF was found to be dependent on applied electric field strength, the pH, and the composition of mobile phases. Scanning electron micrograph showed that monolithic columns have the morphology of continuous skeleton and large through-pore. D-Enantiomers migrated before L-enantiomers except for dansyl-(Dns)-DL-Ser. The separation efficiencies of up to 17600 (D) and 13,200 plates m(-1) (L) were achieved for the separation of DL-indole-3-lactic acid.

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