
An experimental program utilizing low‐pressure chemical vapor deposition techniques for applying thin tungsten films by the hydrogen reduction of tungsten hexafluoride for the ultimate formation of various electronic devices is described. The purpose of this work is to measure deposition rates at various reaction temperatures and pressures which might be accommodated to electron beam heating. Tungsten films formed by chemical vapor deposition are mirror‐ like or grainy depending on deposition temperature, reactants, stoichiometry, and film thickness. Mirrorlike, polycrystalline, randomly oriented, alpha tungsten films of high purity with unit resistance values approaching that of single crystal tungsten have been formed in the 10−3 torr pressure range and 1000°C at deposition rates of about . The unit resistance values of these films are considerably lower than those for sputtered tungsten films of comparable thickness. The adhesion between reaction deposited tungsten films and sapphire substrates is much better than that between sputtered tungsten films and Pyrex substrates. Application of tungsten films at 250°C and higher reaction pressures results in the formation of polycrystalline, randomly oriented, beta tungsten films which can be transformed to the alpha material by treatment at 900°C for an extended period.

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