
The alkali and alkaline earth concentrations in the Toorongo Granodiorite weathering profile are controlled by two competing processes; leaching of cations from primary minerals during their degradation to clays; fixation, by exchange and adsorption, of the same cations onto the secondary clay minerals. Degradation and leaching dominate the early weathering stages whereas during the advanced stages, exchange and adsorption onto clays are of most influence. The alkali and alkaline earth compositional changes in the Toorongo Granodiorite weathering profile are typical of changes occurring during weathering of the continents, consequently the following generalizations apply to continental weathering. Ca, Sr and Na are most rapidly and most strongly removed (as dissolved species) during weathering of fresh continental rocks. Although large quantities of Mg are transported to the marine environment as dissolved species, appreciable amounts remain (fixed in secondary clay minerals) at the weathering site to be removed during mass wasting of continental weathering profiles. Large quantities of Rb, Cs and Ba, fixed in continental weathering profiles by exchange and adsorption onto secondary clays, are transported from the continents only during mass wasting of the continents.

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