
This paper is based on investigation of chemical and hygiene parameters of the quality of cow raw milk. Samples were collected on 10 collection spots of the dairy firm "Imlek", in 4 identical time intervals in the period of one month (20.06.2005.-20.07.2005.) in municipality of Gornji Milanovac, and research was carried out in the laboratory of "Imlek" in Cacak. Differences in chemical composition and hygienic quality of milk were analyzed, and slight variability was established between collection spots. Average content of milk fat was 3,89%, protein 3,20%, and dry matter without fat 8,56%. It was established that in regard to protein content there is significant and very significant statistical difference between collection spots. This is consequence of different nutrition, focus is on introduction of protein enriched feeds into nutrition of cows. High variability of number of micro organisms is consequence of inadequate, non-standardized obtaining (milking) and storing of raw milk. Average number of micro-organisms was 844.875/ml, and it varied from 112.000?5.000.000/ml. Average somatic cell count was 357.850/ml. Variance analysis determined that collection spots had statistically highly significant effect (P<0.01) only on protein content, whereas their influence on content of fat, dry matter without fat, number of microorganisms and somatic cell count wasn't significant (P>0.05). Individual testing (LSD test) established that milk collected from 7th collection spot had significantly higher protein content compared to other collection spots, which indicated that dairy heads of cattle consumed higher quantity of feeds rich on proteins and had better balanced diet in regard to ratio of energy and protein.


  • Significance of differences in chemical composition and hygienic adequacy of milk collected from different collection spots (F test)

  • This paper is based on investigation of chemical and hygiene parameters of the quality of cow raw milk

  • Samples were collected on 10 collection spots of the dairy firm „Imlek“, in 4 identical time intervals in the period of one month (20.06.2005. - 20.07.2005.) in municipality of Gornji Milanovac, and research was carried out in the laboratory of „Imlek“ in ýaþak

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Materijal i metod rada

Rad je zasnovan na ispitivanju hemijskih i higijenskih parametara kvaliteta sirovog mleka. Uzorci su uzimani u koliþini od 0,5 litara, i odnošeni na ispitivanje u ýaþak. Analiza hemijskog sastava obuhvatila je odreÿivanje sadržaja mleþne masti, sadržaja proteina, sadžaja suve materije bez masti (SMBM), a vršena je Milco Scan-om S50, automatizovanim infra crvenim ureÿajem kontrolisanim mikroprocesorom. Masti, Kjeldah za proteine i Oven metod za odreÿivanje suve materije bez masti. Odreÿivanje broja mokroorganizama vršeno je aparatom Bacto Scan FC, Foss Electric. Na ovaj naþin vršeno je potpuno automatski, brzo i pouzdano odreÿivanje higijenskog kvaliteta sirovog mleka. Brojanje somatskih üelija vršeno je aparatom Fossomatic 5000. Princip rada Fossomatic-a se zasniva na bojenju somatskih üelija (belih krvnih zrnaca), nakon þega se elektronski prebrojavaju.

Rezultati istraživanja i diskusija
Prosek Average
SD spots
MS Greške MS error
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