
Squash is grown in the field and in tunnel type greenhouses in Saudi Arabia. To satisfy the demand for squash, additional production in controlled greenhouses would be desirable. The Jedida cultivar was treated with growth regulators. Seedlings were sprayed with Ethrel at 400 ppm. At flowering, six treatments were made: Agriton (60g/100L), sprayed at 10 day intervals; IAA (1%), IBA (1%), and Rootone, dusted on stigmas; hand pollination; and control. Fruits were harvested when they were 12 cm long. Ethrel increased the number of female flowers by 96% and changed the female: male ratio from 1:2 to 8:1. Highest marketable yield was obtained with the hand pollination, IBA, and IAA treatments. Yield in the Control treatment was low due to low insect activity. The results suggest that treatment with IAA or IBA will permit production of squash on a commercial scale in controlled greenhouses.

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