
Eight contact and three systemic insecticides, and an enriched neem extract were tested for the control of sorghum head bug, Calocoris angustatus Leth. at the ICRISAT Center. The insecticides were applied at the complete-anthesis and milk stages (at 500 1/ha) with a knapsack sprayer. On the basis of effectiveness of head bug control, grain yield and 1000-grain mass, carbaryl (at 500 g a.i./ha) was the most effective insecticide followed by fenvalerate (at 50 g a.i./ha), and chlorpyrifos (at 250 g a.i./ha). Among the systemic insecticides, demeton-S-methyl (at 250g a.i./ha), was the most effective. Demeton-S-methyl and dimethoate were also effective for the control of other head bug species— Eurystylus bellevoyei Put. and Reut. and Campylomma sp. Plots sprayed with demeton-S-methyl gave higher grain yields than those treated with carbaryl, which was the best contact insecticide. Two sprays of carbaryl (at 500g a.i./ha) applied at the complete-anthesis and milk stages have been found to be effective for head bug control. Dichlorvos, fenitrothion and monocrotophos were highly phytotoxic and resulted in burning and drying of entire leaves. Dimethoate resulted in a slight drying of leaf tips and margins.

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