
This short paper is a record of the chemical analyses only of these phonolites. At Traprain Law the main rock is very close grained and of a uniform grey colour. There is also a variety with a spotted aspect, of a pinkish colour, spotted with dark green, which gives the appearance of a coarser grain. It is much mixed up with the main rock in patches and streaks. All the analyses were made from carefully selected specimens in as fresh a condition as possible. Chlorine determinations were made of all four phonolites. It will be noticed that the two analyses of the Traprain Law phonolite agree very closely with that of Mr F. R. Ennos, which appears in a paper by A. G. MacGregor, M.C., B.Sc., and F. R. Ennos, B.A., B.Sc. ( Geol. Mag., vol. lix., pp. 514-23, Nov. 1922), on ‶Nepheline, Analcite, Sodalite, and Olivine in the Traprain Law Phonolite, with an Analysis of the Traprain Law Phonolite.″

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