
Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) technology is a promising solution for rapidly providing wireless communication services to ground users, where a UAV has limited service coverage and needs to fly through users at different locations for serving them locally. The existing UAV deployment studies largely assume the users’ demands do not change during UAV deployment. When the users’ demands dynamically change over time, the key challenge is how to adapt the UAV deployment strategy to the partial and even outdated observations on the users’ activities given the UAV's flying speed limit. In this paper, we study dynamic UAV deployment to learn and adapt to the time-varying user activities, where the activity pattern of a user (if out of the UAV service coverage) is hidden from the UAV and follows a time-slotted Markov chain that switches between active and idle states. We formulate the learning-and-adaption based UAV deployment problem as a partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP) to maximize the total discounted hit rate of active users, where the UAV decides for itself whether to chase an active user in a distant location (with delayed reward) or to wait for the idle user in the current location to return to the active state (with smaller service probability) over time. We show there is a fundamental delay-reward tradeoff, and prove that the UAV will optimally follow a threshold-based policy by waiting at an idle user for a time threshold before moving to another user. We also show the UAV is more likely to move if the temporal correlation of each user's idling pattern is stronger or the travel distance between users is shorter. Furthermore, we extend to a more general scenario where the UAV does not even know the parameters of each user's temporal activity distribution, and apply Q-learning to develop another threshold-based deployment policy for a multi-user scenario.

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