
Modern mobile OSes support to display Web pages in the native apps, which we call embedded Web pages. In this paper, we conduct, to the best of our knowledge, the first measurement study on browsing embedded Web pages on Android. Our study on 22,521 popular Android apps shows that 57.9% and 73.8% of apps embed Web pages on two popular app markets: Google Play and Wandoujia, respectively. To analyze the embedded Web browsing performance at scale, we design and implement EWProfiler, a tool that can automatically search for embedded Web pages inside apps, trigger page loads, and retrieve performance metrics. Based on 445 embedded Web pages obtained by EWProfiler in 99 popular apps from the two app markets, we investigate the characteristics and performance of embedded Web pages, and find that embedded Web pages significantly impede the app user experience. To optimize the performance of embedded Web browsing, we investigate the effectiveness of three techniques, i.e., separating the browser kernel to a different process, loading pages from local storage, and pre-rendering. We believe that our findings could draw attentions to Web developers, browser vendors, app developers, and mobile OS vendors together towards better performance of embedded Web browsing.

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