
The Berlin emissivity database is a spectral library providing a basis for the inter- pretation of thermal emission spectra of planetary regoliths. It contains spectra of plagioclase and potassium feldspars, low and high Ca pyroxenes, olivine, sulfur, Martian analogs, and a lunar highland sample in the wavelength range 3-50 μm. Four particle sizes with dimensions <25 ,2 5-63, 63-125, 125-250 μm are measured for each sample. An exhaustive suite of tests was implemented, to characterize the setup in the planetary emissivity laboratory and the emis- sivities collected in the spectral library. The tests improve the quality of measurements, opti- mizing the sample preparation, calibration algorithm, sample, blackbody, and chamber temperatures, and all the parameters entering in the measurements or calibration processes. The results of our tests are shown and discussed, together with the implications that these results have on the development of the measurement and calibration procedures.©TheAuthors. Published by SPIE under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. Distribution or reproduction of this work in whole or in part requires full attribution of the original publication, including its DOI. (DOI: 10


  • In the last several decades, vibrational spectroscopy has been frequently used in the thermal infrared (TIR) region to determine the composition of organic and inorganic materials

  • To build the Berlin emissivity database (BED) spectral library, we followed the method developed in Ref. 7 and successively revised by Ref. 8, and the methodologies described in Refs. 6 and 8

  • For the deuterated triglycine sulphate (DTGS) configuration, only tests on repeatability were performed; we show those results at the end of the paper

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In the last several decades, vibrational spectroscopy has been frequently used in the thermal infrared (TIR) region to determine the composition of organic and inorganic materials. Numerous previous works investigated the thermal IR spectrum,[1,5] and demonstrated that the vibrational motions of atoms or ions within a mineral crystal originate spectral bands of which variability in the IR spectral region is strongly correlated to mineral composition, crystal structure, particle size, and observing geometry.[3]. Thermal emission spectroscopy, among the different available techniques to perform such analysis, is the method of data acquisition most similar to remotely sensed data in the TIR spectral range, allowing for a direct, quantitative comparison between laboratory and remote sensing instruments data sets.[6] To build the Berlin emissivity database (BED) spectral library, we followed the method developed in Ref. 7 and successively revised by Ref. 8, and the methodologies described in Refs. For the DTGS configuration, only tests on repeatability were performed; we show those results at the end of the paper

Sample Preparation and Apparatus
Calibration of the Measurements
BB ðT 2 Þ BBB ðT 2 Þ
Characterizing the Instrumental Setup
Influence of Sample Preparation
Estimation of Measurement Errors
Summary and Conclusions
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