
As a part of the Boreal Ecosystem-Atmosphere Study (BOREAS), measurements of the spectral reflectance anisotropy of three boreal forest canopies were studied for cloudless sky conditions at the phenological growth stages which were at or near maximum leaf area index at each site. The three sites were relatively homogeneous mature stands of black spruce, jack pine, and aspen located in the southern boreal zone of central Saskatchewan. Measurements of the spectal bidirectional reflectance factors with a 15° instrument field of view in three spectral bands centered at 662 nm, 826 nm, and 1658 nm were made with the PARABOLA instrument over a range of solar zenith angles typically varying from 35° (near solar noon) to 70°. The measured reflectance factors showed large anisotropy at all three sites and for all three wavelengths, with prominant backscatter peak reflectances, and strong retro solar view angle (hot spot) maximum reflectances in the visible (662 nm) and shortwave infrared (1658 nm) for the jack pine and black spruce sites, with a less pronounced hot spot at the aspen site. Pronounced effects of canopy and understory shadowing in the visible, as a function of solar zenith angle (SZA), were observed for the black spruce and jack pine sites, with resultant large linear increases in computed normalized difference and simple ratio vegetation indices as SZA increased for near-nadir view angles. Hemispheric spectral reflectances or spectral albedos were computed from angular integration of PARABOLA measured bidirectional reflectances. Visible (662 nm) hemispheric reflectances for the jack pine and black spruce canopies showed very little variation with solar zenith angle, while near-infrared hemispheric reflectances increased strongly with increasing SZA. Estimates were made of the total shortwave albedo for the aspen and jack pine sites from irradiance and reflectance weighting of the spectral hemispheric reflectances in the three measured wavelengths. Comparison of estimated to pyranometer measured total albedo showed all estimates to be biased high, but only by about 0.007–0.018, depending on which of two sets of pyranometer measured albedos were utilized for the comparison. The measured bidirectional reflectance factor (BRF) data sets reported in this study coupled with ancillary data of biophysical parameters collected at the same sites by BOREAS researchers provide a unique data set for the development and characterization of canopy bidirectional reflectance modeling and for the interpretation of remotely sensed data for boreal forest canopies.

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