
The heat shock response in a transformed astrocyte line was compared with nontransformed astrocytes. The synthesis of HSP 68, the major inducible heat shock protein (HSP 68) was induced by a non-lethal 45°C, 10 min heat shock. Although the incorporation of [ 35S]methionine into HSP 68 suggested that similar amounts of protein were being synthesized after heat shock. Western immunoblotting demonstrated striking differences in the HSP immunostaining between the two cell types. By one- and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis the major 68 kDa heat shock protein (HSP 68) was similar in both cell types. However, HSP 68 from heat shocked, transformed astrocytes did not immunostain with the monoclonal antibody, C-92, which is specific for the major inducible heat shock protein of HeLa cells. In contrast HSP 68 from heat shocked, nontransformed astrocytes immunostained quite well. A polyclonal antibody raised against the inducible 72 kDa heat shock protein of HeLa cells immunostained the HSP 68 from both astrocytes and transformed astrocytes. Analysis of the mRNA from the two cell types after heat shock revealed two bands of approximately 2.5 and 2.8 kb astrocytes but only a single 2.5 kb band in the heat shocked transformed astroglia. These results suggest that structural differences in the HSP 68 may be present in the transformed astrocytes compared to the normal astrocytes.

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