
We have characterized a new member (U19) of a group of mammalian small nuclear RNAs that are not precipitable with antibodies against fibrillarin, a conserved nucleolar protein associated with most of the small nucleolar RNAs characterized to date. Human U19 RNA is 200 nucleotides long and possesses 5'-monophosphate and 3'-hydroxyl termini. It lacks functional boxes C and D, sequence motifs required for fibrillarin binding in many other snoRNAs. Human and mouse RNA are 86% homologous and can be folded into similar secondary structures, a finding supported by the results of nuclease probing of the RNA. In the human genome, U19 RNA is encoded in the intron of an as yet not fully characterized gene and could be faithfully processed from a longer precursor RNA in HeLa cell extracts. During fractionation of HeLa cell nucleolar extracts on glycerol gradients, U19 RNA was associated with higher-order structures of approximately 65S, cosedimenting with complexes containing 7-2/MRP RNA, a conserved nucleolar RNA shown to be involved in 5.8S rRNA processing in yeast cells.

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