
One of the most dangerous pests of cereals is Zabrus tenebrioides and, in Poland, it is becoming a serious pest. Entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) seem to be a very promising, biological control agent for this pest. Native EPN populations are well adapted to local environmental conditions. The current study characterized three Polish isolates of the EPN Steinernema feltiae, which differed in their effectiveness against Z. tenebrioides. In the field, isolate iso1Lon reduced the pest population by 37%, compared with 30% by isolate iso1Dan and 0% by the iso1Obl isolate; the number of plants damaged by Z. tenebrioides in the presence of the different isolates reflected the results in terms of the decrease in pest population size. After incubation in the soil for 60 days, recovered EPN juveniles of all three isolates were able to infect 93-100% of the test insects, with isolate iso1Obl again showing the lowest effectiveness. The juveniles of isolate iso1Obl were also morphometrically distinct from the other two isolates, as revealed by principal component analysis (PCA), which helped to distinguish the EPN isolates. These findings showed the value of using locally adapted isolates of EPNs; two of the three isolates randomly selected from Polish soil outperformed a commercial population of S. feltiae.

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