
A new heterolobosean amoeba, Selenaion koniopes n. gen., n. sp., was isolated from 73‰ saline water in the Wieliczka salt mine, Poland. The amoeba had eruptive pseudopodia, a prominent uroid, and a nucleus without central nucleolus. Cysts had multiple crater-like pore plugs. No flagellates were observed. Transmission electron microscopy revealed several typical heterolobosean features: flattened mitochondrial cristae, mitochondria associated with endoplasmic reticulum, and an absence of obvious Golgi dictyosomes. Two types of larger and smaller granules were sometimes abundant in the cytoplasm--these may be involved in cyst formation. Mature cysts had a fibrous endocyst that could be thick, plus an ectocyst that was covered with small granules. Pore plugs had a flattened dome shape, were bipartite, and penetrated only the endocyst. Phylogenies based on the 18S rRNA gene and the presence of 18S rRNA helix 17_1 strongly confirmed assignment to Heterolobosea. The organism was not closely related to any described genus, and instead formed the deepest branch within the Heterolobosea clade after Pharyngomonas, with support for this deep-branching position being moderate (i.e. maximum likelihood bootstrap support--67%; posterior probability--0.98). Cells grew at 15-150‰ salinity. Thus, S. koniopes is a halotolerant, probably moderately halophilic heterolobosean, with a potentially pivotal evolutionary position within this large eukaryote group.

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