
Pore space in siliciclastic rocks is one of the most important petrophysical properties in geothermal and hydrocarbon reservoir rock characterization. We used the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) of ferrofluid-impregnated Permo-Triassic sandstones of different Buntsandstein and Rotliegend facies as a proxy for pore space anisotropy and preferred flow direction as a case study for reservoir characterization. We compared the calculated ferrofluid porosity (2–21%) with He porosity (2–26%) and permeability (0.002–214 mD) and described the sediment microstructure using petrographic point-counting analysis. For water- and oil-based ferrofluid impregnation, we observed a positive correlation with He porosity and mass and susceptibility impregnation efficiency were used to control the quality of the impregnation process. Triaxial to oblate magnetic rock fabrics were mostly mimicked by the magnetic pore fabrics, except for some of the water-based ferrofluid impregnated samples, where magnetic ellipsoid shapes changed from oblate to prolate. AMS of the unimpregnated sandstones reflects well defined primary sedimentary to diagenetic fabrics with grain imbrication and cross bedding along with more laminated sedimentary structures. Deviation in ferrofluid-impregnated AMS axes orientation can be related either to the low anisotropy < 1.07 in sandstones from the Lower and Upper Buntsandstein, or the low impregnation efficiency. The mimicry is mostly better when the magnetic susceptibility of the sandstone is higher due to a higher concentration of phyllosilicates while micro-porosity is controlled by the clay fabric. A comparison of sediment petrography with magnetic pore fabrics suggests that the pore space is controlled by the bedding of the sandstones with mostly no preferred flow direction within the bedding plane.Graphical

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