
Microsatellites (simple sequence repeats, SSRs) are important genetic markers in tree breeding and conservation. Here we utilized high-throughput 454 sequencing technology to mine microsatellites from masson pine (MP) genomic DNA. First, we analyzed the characteristics of SSRs in all nonredundant MP reads (genome survey sequences, GSSs) and compared them with loblolly pine (LP) GSSs and BACs (bacterial artificial chromosome clone sequences), and three other nonconiferous species GSSs. Second, a set of MP GSS–SSR primer pairs were designed. There were extremely low overall GSS–SSR densities (28 SSR/Mb) in MP when compared with LP (48 SSR/Mb) and the other species. AT, AAT, AAAT, and AAAAAT were the richest motifs in di-, tri-, tetra-, and hexanucleotides, respectively. Two hundred forty GSS–SSR primer pairs were designed in total, and 20 novel polymorphic markers were identified using three populations (two natural and one clonal seed orchard) as evaluating samples. These markers should be useful for future MP population genetics studies.

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